
meet your coach

Hey folks, I'm Rachel (she/her). I'm an Amsterdam-based self-advocacy & women's health coach who is passionate about dismantling and challenging gender inequality, particularly within healthcare. I specialise in helping women and people with menstrual cycles who feel stuck to take back control of their health, their body and their life. 

I have a lot of f*cking rage...

the story behind FierceFolks

I am sick of this shit. I am sure you are too. Everything feels pointless, but it's not. Channel that rage, it's worth it. .

My story isn't unique. It's the same worn battle cry echoing from millions of women who came before me. Years of relentless period pain, ignored by doctors who treated my concerns with a dismissive wave. 72 visits to GPs, a demoralising and intimate slog through 9 gynecologists and 3 specialists, who seemed utterly indifferent, despite my family medical history of the disease. Finally, at the age of 36, a diagnosis of endometriosis – a really fucking shitty consolation prize after years of feeling unheard.  I felt vindicated, but it was bittersweet as it didn't actually change anything. Then, to add to the fun, life dropped in a sprinkling of early peri-menopause. Just for shits and giggles. 

This experience ignited a simmering rage within me. Women deserve better. In health, at work, in relationships, as mothers, everywhere.  Fuelled by this fire, I've leveraged my background in women's advocacy and FemTech (Girl Effect, and Clue, the period tracking revolution!) to become an ICF-certified coach. Now, my mission is to empower women to learn how to dismantle the patriarchal and societal systems that are designed to keep us down, keep us quiet, hold us still. 

The social systems we live in can often feel like a labyrinth designed to silence and confuse. My journey hasn't just been about endometriosis and my health – it is about reclaiming my agency and shattering the narrative of the passive patient, passive employee, and passive human. I will no longer allow things to happen to me. 

All of these experiences created a deep desire to help others navigate the complexities of a world that just isn't designed to benefit them and challenge the systems that are broken, armed with knowledge, data, and self-advocacy.

Through FierceFolks, I've cultivated a space for individuals who have felt frustrated, unheard, and dismissed in a multitude of scenarios. This isn't just about women – it's about anyone who has faced discrimination or a lack of understanding from medical professionals, employers, partners, and families. We are a community united by a shared experience; a desire for change, and a commitment to our own agency.


my approach...

My coaching approach goes beyond you securing a diagnosis, or telling your boss to go fuck themselves. It's about empowering you to understand your body, your mind, track patterns, and become an active participant in your journey. We'll also dismantle the outdated patriarchal and societal structures that silence women and minorities, and equip you with the tools to advocate for yourself with the confidence of a mediocre white guy.

The battle for gender equality is far from over, and it's the tip of the iceberg. Systemic bias and outdated information continue to permeate the very fabric of our society. But through education, empowerment, and a healthy dose of righteous fury, we can chip away at these barriers. Not as 'angry feminists' but as people with agency and the strength and data to back ourselves, because no one else will.


If you're ready to rewrite the rules of your life and become a fierce advocate for yourself, you've found your tribe. FierceFolks offers a supportive space to learn, share experiences, and build the confidence to navigate topics like societal expectations, healthcare systems or outdated employment practices with your head held high.

My approach is all about:

  • Empowerment: YOU are the expert on your own body and mind. Own it. Reclaim what is yours.
  • Education: Knowledge is power. We'll learn the science, history, data, and language so you can advocate effectively.
  • Dismantling Discrimination: We'll tear down the societal structures that hold us back. (I'm looking at you patriarchy, sexism, homophobia, fatphobia and more...)

Who I work with:

Women experiencing health issues and frustrated with the medical system

Women struggling with a lack of support

Workplaces that want to create better support systems for their employees (Yes, I talk to workplaces too!)

Men who want to be better allies and want to support the women in their lives

Let's navigate this together, shall we?


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